Anatomy and Physiology Tutorials and Quizzes
Interactive & Animated Tutorials and Quizzes
From Wisc-Online Wisconsin Online Resource Center
Author: Gerald Heins - Northeast Wisconsin
Technical College
Technician: Timothy Gremore Date: 4/20/2004
Description: In this interactive object, learners identify the parts of an animal cell and its organelles. -
An Overview of Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation
Author: Wendy Dusek - Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Description: In this animated and interactive object, learners examine how blood flows through the heart and lungs. A brief quiz completes the activity. -
Anatomical Terminology: Body
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: Students identify the various regions of the human body through drag-and-drop exercises. -
Anatomical Terminology: Relative Position
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this interactive learning activity, learners review the terms used to describe relative position of body parts in order to have a common set of words to describe their position. -
Anatomy of the Ear
Author: Donna Matusewic - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: The student identifies the anatomical parts of the ear and learns the purpose and function of these parts. A review follows the lesson. -
Antigen Presentation: T and B Cell Differentiation
Author: Carol Parent-Paulson - Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Description: This learning object demonstrates the process by which antigens are identified, processed, and presented to mediators of the cellular immune system. -
Ascending Tract: The Posterior White Columns
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated activity, learners view the pathways and functions of the fasciculus gracilis and the fasciculus cuneatus. -
Biomolecules - The Lipids
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine neutral fats, phospholipids, and cholesterol. The molecular formula and general function for each are shown. -
Biomolecules - The Proteins
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners read an introduction to protein structure and function. -
Biomolecules The Carbohydrates
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: Learners read a brief introduction to monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. The processes for dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis are shown. -
Blood Groups
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated and interactive object, learners examine ABO blood antigens and Rh antigens and their compatibility. -
Body Sections and Divisions of the Abdominal Pelvic Cavity
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated activity, learners examine how organs are visualized in three dimensions. The terms “longitudinal,” “cross,” “transverse,” “horizontal,” and “sagittal” are defined. Students test their knowledge of the location of abdominal pelvic cavity organs in two drag-and-drop exercises. -
Carbohydrate Digestion
Author: Wendy Dusek - Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Description: In this highly animated and colorful object, learners examine the steps of carbohydrate digestion. A brief quiz completes the activity. -
Classification of Joints
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the different types of joints and their movements. -
Construction of the Cell Membrane
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: The student studies the structure of the cell membrane by constructing it using the correct molecules. -
Glucose Metabolism for the Endocrine System
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this interactive object, learners read about the seven hormones that help regulate blood glucose. A quiz completes the activity. -
How the Brain Develops
Author: Mary Beth Boettcher - Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Description: Learners read about the development of the brainstem, the midbrain, the limbic system, and the cortex. They then take a quiz to identify the parts of the brain. -
Identifying Eukaryotic Animal Cell Organelles
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners are introduced to the structure and function of animal cell organelles. -
Movement Terminology
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, the learner examines 17 types of joint movement. -
Muscle and Connective Tissue
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this colorful and interactive object, learners examine the structure and function of muscle and connective tissues. A quiz completes the activity. -
Muscle Cell Contraction
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated activity, learners examine muscle cell contraction and relaxation and consider the role of calcium ions. -
Nervous and Epithelial Tissue
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this colorful, interactive object, learners examine nervous and epithelial tissue composition and function. A quiz completes the activity. -
Passive Transport: Filtration and Facilitated Diffusion
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine processes that do not use ATP directly including hydrostatic pressure and facilitated diffusion with carrier proteins. -
Phagocyte Chemotaxis
Author: Carol Parent-Paulson - Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Description: This animated object illustrates the events leading to the migration of phagocytes into areas of tissue damage and/or bacterial presence. Learners view bacterial cell phagocytosis, its subsequent enzymatic digestion, and exocytosis. -
Physiological Events at the Neural Synapse
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: The student reviews information on the neural synapse. -
Protein Synthesis
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: Every protein molecule of an organism is synthesized by that organism in a prescribed process. This activity helps students understand the fundamental life process of making protein. -
Red Blood Cells
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated and interactive object, learners examine the red blood cell's life cycle and function. A brief exercise completes the activity. -
Regional Body Parts
Author: Gerald Heins - Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Description: In this interactive object, learners identify a person's regional body parts. -
Respiratory Basics
Author: Wendy Dusek - Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Description: In this animated and interactive object, learners examine ventilation, external and internal respiration, and gas transport. -
Respiratory System Gas Exchange
Author: Bruce Forciea - Moraine Park Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the mechanisms for gas exchange among the lungs, blood, and tissues. -
Skin and the Integumentary System
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: Learners examine the structure and function of skin including the production of melanin. -
Superficial Skeletal Muscles
Author: Gerald Heins - Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Description: Learners read descriptions of the actions of the superficial skeletal muscles and see their locations. A 61-question quiz completes the activity. -
The 12 Cranial Nerves
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this interactive and animated object, learners read a description of the number, name, and function of the cranial nerves. A matching quiz completes the activity. -
The Actions of Hormones
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners compare the mode of action of steroids with the action of amino acid-based hormones. -
The Anatomy of the Heart
Author: Wendy Dusek - Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
Description: In this animated and interactive object, learners identify the valves and chambers of the heart. -
The Appendicular Skeleton
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the bones of the appendicular skeleton. -
The Autonomic Nervous System - Sympathetic Division
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: Learners examine the function and wiring of the sympathetic nervous system. -
The Axial Skeleton: The Skull and the Rib Cage
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the eight cranial bones, the fourteen facial bones, and the ribs. -
The Cell Cycle
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the different phases of a cell's life. -
The Cell: Passive Transport Diffusion
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners view molecules as they collide and move between two different solutions. They also observe what happens when the temperature of the solutions is raised or lowered. -
The Cell: Passive Transport Osmosis
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine water molecules moving through a semipermeable membrane. -
The Corticospinal Tracts
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the major descending tracts of the nervous system. A matching exercise completes the activity. -
The Electrocardiogram
Author: Bruce Forciea - Moraine Park Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners view the "T" and "P" waves and the "QRS complex." A brief quiz completes the activity. -
The Four Types of Chemical Reactions
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine synthesis, decomposition, exchange, and reversible reactions. -
The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
Author: Becky Polk-Pohlman - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated and interactive object, learners examine the location, structure, and function of the juxtaglomerular (JG) apparatus. -
The Neuromuscular Junction
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the major events that occur at the neuromuscular junction. -
The Organization of the Human Body: Body Cavities
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this interactive object, learners examine the locations of major body cavities and their protective membranes. A drag-and-drop exercise completes the activity. -
The Sense of Hearing
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated activity, learners examine hearing and balance. Detailed drawings of the outer, middle, and inner ear structures are included. -
The Sense of Sight
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated and interactive object, learners read about the parts of the eye. A short quiz completes the activity. -
The Sense of Smell
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners trace the olfactory pathway from the nasal cavity to the olfactory cortex. -
The Sense of Taste
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this interactive object, learners examine the structure and function of the sense of taste. -
The Stress Response
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners read a brief description of the roles of the hypothalamus, emotions, and adrenal secretions during the stress response. -
The Structure of the Muscle Organ
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the various connective tissue layers of the muscle organ. The terms "prime mover," "synergist," "antagonist," "origin," and "insertion" are defined. -
The Two-Neuron Knee-Jerk Reflex Arc
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this interactive object, learners examine the neuron pathway into and out of the spinal cord. They complete the activity by testing their knowledge of vocabulary and the location of spinal cord structures. -
The Unipolar and Multipolar Neurons
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: Learners examine the location, structure, and function of the unipolar and multipolar neurons. -
The Upper and Lower Motor Neurons
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, learners examine the function and location of the motor neurons and the damage that can result when they are injured. -
The Vascular System of the Kidneys
Author: Becky Polk-Pohlman - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: Learners play a vascular system "game" to identify the arteries, capillaries, and veins that make up the renal blood supply pathway. A score is given at the end of the activity. -
The Vertebral Column
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: Learners read a brief description of the vertebral column and examine the distinctive features of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae. -
Tissue Identification
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: The student reviews the structure and function of the different tissues of the human body. -
Transport Processes Requiring ATP
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated object, students observe how ATP energy is used to move substances across the cell membrane from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration and when something too large needs to get in or out of a cell. -
White Blood Cells
Author: Barbara Liang - Fox Valley Technical College
Description: In this animated and interactive object, learners examine the structure and functions of granulocytes and agranulocytes. Two exercises complete the activity.