Cell Biology Animations




Inside a Cell

3D Cells

Learn about cell structure and function by viewing QuickTime movies and interacting with 3D worlds.

Cell Structure & Function (Interactive Animation)

Cell Biology Animation by John Kyrk

Amino acids and protein, cell function, cell anatomy, cell membranes, chromosome structure, diffusion, DNA structure, replication, transcription, translation, evolution, glycolysis, Golgi apparatus, meiosis, mitochondria, mitosis, pH, photosynthesis, water.

Virtual Cell's Educational Animations

FIRST LOOK - An introductory level explanation of each topic and its animation. Intended for students in a general biology class at the freshman college level. ADVANCED LOOK - An in-depth look at the information covered by each animation. Intended to be of use for advanced biology students from the baccalaureate to graduate level.

Energy and the Living Cell

How Cells Divide: Mitosis vs. Meiosis
How exactly does meiosis mix and halve chromosomes? Find out through this feature, which provides a step-by-step, side-by-side comparison of meiosis and mitosis.

Cell Division

How Cells Divide

Cell Biology and Cancer Animations (Rediscovering Biology)

How a Proto-oncogene Becomes an Oncogene: A depiction of some types of mutations that can occur to turn a proto-oncogene into an oncogene. p53's Role in the Cell: Shows various roles that p53 plays in the cell to protect the genome of the organism. Telomeres: Shows the concept of how the ends of chromosomes, the telomeres, shorten each time the cell divides. The Cell Cycle: Cyclins and Checkpoints: A depiction of the cell cycle and role that cyclins play in the process; this animation also shows the role of checkpoints in regulating the cell cycle. The Signal Transduction Pathway: A depiction of the signal transduction pathway that is involved with the growth process of the cell.

Cells in Motion (Molecular Expressions)

The digital videos presented in this gallery investigate animal cell motility patterns in a wide variety of morphologically different specimens. Requires the RealPlayer browser plug-in or Windows Media Player.

Plant, Animal and Bacteria Cell Models

Living cells are divided into two types - procaryotic and eucaryotic (sometimes spelled prokaryotic and eukaryotic). This division is based on internal complexity. The following pages can provide graphic roadmaps to the organization of both of these cell types.

Cellular Animations

Flagella and Cilia (Northland Community and Technical College)

A typical Cell

Identifying Eukaryotic Animal Cell Organelles

Biologie Cellulaire

Cytoskeleton Structure

Lipid Bilayer

The Cell Cycle

During development from stem to fully differentiated, cells in the body alternately divide (mitosis) and "appear" to be resting (interphase). This sequence of activities exhibited by cells is called the cell cycle. Interphase, which appears to the eye to be a resting stage between cell divisions, is actually a period of diverse activities. Those interphase activities are indispensible in making the next mitosis possible.

The Cell Cycle & Protein Synthesis


Cellular Transport

Cellular Respiration


Whole Process and Enzymes


Acetyl CoA and Krebs (TCA)(Citric Acid) Cycle

Oxidative Phosphorylation

Cells & Microscope

Cell Biology Instructional Multimedia

Animal cell mix and match, Catabolism, Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Nerve Action Potential, Plant cell mix and match.